Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC) 2024

Linköping University, Sweden

The Tenth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC) will take place on 27th–29th of November 2024 at Linköping University, Sweden, with the main conference on Wednesday–Thursday 27th-28th of November and workshops on Friday, 29th of November. All researchers and students working on NLP and related fields are invited to participate.

Important Dates


SLTC 2024 traditionally hosts selected workshops on relevant topics. This year's workshops are:

Call for Extended Abstracts

Papers are invited on all theoretical, practical and applied aspects of language technology, including natural language processing, computational linguistics, speech technology and neighbouring areas. Papers can describe completed or ongoing research, as well as practical applications of language technology, and may be combined with system demonstrations. More Information.

The conference does not publish any proceedings but accepted contributions will be made available on the conference web page as extended abstracts. Hence, it is possible to submit abstracts related to work that has been, or will be, published elsewhere, as long as this is compatible with the conditions of the respective publication channels.

Invited Speakers

We will have two keynotes by our exciting invited speakers:


SLTC 2024 is organized by Linköping University and sponsored by WARA Media and Language.

Local organization committee:

Recent history: 2022 (KTH), 2020 (GU), 2018 (SU), 2016 (UmU), 2014 (UU), 2012 (LU), 2010 (LiU), 2008 (KTH), 2006 (GU).