Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC) 2024

Linköping University, Sweden

Call for Papers

SLTC is inviting submissions of extended abstracts on any NLP-related topic. We offer a chance to present your completed or ongoing work to colleagues at other Swedish and Nordic universities.

All deadlines are 23:59 CEST.


Papers are invited on all theoretical, practical and applied aspects of language technology, including natural language processing, computational linguistics, speech technology and neighbouring areas. Papers can describe completed or ongoing research, as well as practical applications of language technology, and may be combined with system demonstrations. We welcome work on any language.


We invite extended abstracts of up to 4 pages excluding references. Submissions may be anonymised and should use the style files of the *ACL conferences, available on GitHub and on Overleaf. You may include appendices of any length.

The conference does not publish any proceedings but accepted contributions will be made available on the conference web page as extended abstracts. Hence, it is possible to submit abstracts related to work that has been, or will be, published elsewhere, as long as this is compatible with the conditions of the respective publication channels.

Submission page: OpenReview.

Presentation Format

Papers will be presented at the conference as posters or oral presentations, according to the decision of the program committee.